A Quiet Place for Spiritual Renewal
Penuel Ridge is a contemplative, interfaith retreat center near Nashville, Tennessee. Its name comes from the Genesis story of Jacob, who wrestled with God at a place called Penuel. There are times when we too, need to encounter God in a special way. We are not a church or synagogue; rather we’re a place for personal spiritual renewal.
Mission Statement: We are a spiritual retreat center in Middle Tennessee, honoring our heritage and fostering values of contemplation, silence, hospitality, rest, social justice and communion with nature; nurturing the journey inward to strengthen the journey outward.
Heritage Statement: To call people apart in a natural setting, to encounter in deep ways the love of God, neighbor and self and to experience the integrity of all creation.
Founded in 1984, Penuel Ridge Retreat Center was the realization of a dream for Don and Joyce Beisswenger and their friends.
Penuel Ridge is supported by gifts from individuals, faith communities, grants, and modest retreat fees.
Outreach to the Homeless
From our founding days, Penuel Ridge has made a commitment to be in solidarity with the poor, the homeless, and the disenfranchised.
Through partnerships with like-minded organizations in Nashville, Penuel Ridge offers day retreats and work dignity retreats for the homeless and formerly homeless to connect with the open, safe, and sacred space at Penuel Ridge.
Through conversation, work, and community, both growth and internal healing take place. Through these experiences at Penuel Ridge, homeless and formerly homeless women and men are becoming clearer of their life and goals, addressing addictions, healing disenfranchised relationships, and moving beyond the harsh realities of homelessness.
Through our outreach to the homeless and formerly homeless, bonds are formed and lives are changed…for good. Unconditional love is expressed in many ways, by providing laundry services, a place to shower, a phone to use, books to read, trails to walk, and soft beds on which to rest weary bodies.
Won’t you support this critical ministry today? Your support will help to underwrite day retreats for the homeless and formerly homeless which include: transportation, nutritious meals, laundry services, showers and toiletries, phone service, time in community, a safe and peaceful place to rest, and compassionate mentors.

“The most rewarding work I do at Penuel Ridge is to extend a loving, helping and healing hand to those who find themselves on the street, in shelters, and shunned by society.”

“We arrive [at Penuel Ridge] and literally are met with open arms by Judy, Carole and Laura who give us hugs and it feels a bit like arriving at Grandma’s for Christmas. We get a day where we can take our shoes off and know they won’t be stolen. We return to Nashville where everyone wishes they could stay longer at Penuel Ridge..”

For general enquiries and further information, please contact us at:
Due to the private nature of retreats, access to Penuel Ridge is by appointment only.
Our Center is secured by a gate.