Private Spiritual Direction
Nature as Spiritual Director
...ask the animals, and they will teach you;
the birds of the air, and they will tell you;
ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you;
and the fish of the sea will declare to you... Job 12:7-8
Penuel Ridge Retreat Center offers private spiritual direction under the guidance of Susan Ernst, graduate of Yale Divinity School's Concentrated Masters of Arts in Religion and Ecology and a certificate in spiritual development from the Selah Center for Spiritual Formation.
What makes spiritual direction at Penuel Ridge unique is the fusing of contemplative practice and communion with nature in pursuit of a deeper connection with all that is Holy.
During your one-hour session, you will identify and name a question with the director, then walk the natural landscape in a receptive mode, listening for an answer. Upon return, you may share the insights received with the director, or hold them in silence. In spiritual direction, the choice is always yours.
Penuel Ridge has been a destination for quiet companionship along life's spiritual journey for nearly four decades. As you pursue clarity and growth in your spiritual journey, ask yourself, "How might I be enriched by turning to nature for spiritual direction?"

Susan Ernst is an artist, naturalist and soul care practitioner who is passionate about Nature, Creativity, and the Sacredness of Everyday Life. Susan holds degrees in Horticulture, Studio Art, and Religion & Ecology, as well as certificates in spiritual direction, master naturalist training, and nature contemplation.
Early Spring Sessions Available:
March 30th
1 Hour Sessions - three (3) time slots available:
10 - 11 AM
1 - 2 PM
2:30 - 3:30 PM
Cost: $75 per session
Penuel Ridge Retreat Center
1440 Sams Creek Road
Ashland City, TN 37015